Concern about Finding Nemo


Just thought I'd see what everyones opionions are on the movie Finding Nemo and the sudden craze to start SWA's. My LFS told me they have been selling tons of new set ups and tons of clowns.
I like the fact that the movie is opening up people to this great hobby, I'm just concerned about those poor clowns being kept in fish bowls.
What do you folks think?


there are several older posts discussing this anxiety, do a search for finding Nemo you will get a lot of hits.


yeah i was in my lfs and this lady brings up a goldfish bowl and asks if she can put 2 clowns in it i didnt stay for the response of the guy i was hoping he said no way.


Well, I went to ***** and they have a big sign that says. These little nemo's are very very hard to keep and need a special setup for them to live. They even had a big part on the sign that said, "they cant be let into the wild, they will die". They told me they were having a HUGE problem with people buying them and coming back the next day with a dead clown. At least ***** was trying to warn them.
Another store I went to made me sick. One the tank it did not say perc. clown. They just put "Nemo - $20.00" on the side of the tank. They were sold out.


Active Member
I get alot of questions about the clownfish at the LFS that I work at. Its getting tireing to have to keep telling people that they need larger tank or they need this or they need that, ect :rolleyes: