Concerned for Coral Banded


I got a coral banded shrimp on Saturday. I also have 4 damsels and one yellow tang. Immediatly the tang harrased the coral banded around the tank. The coral banded found refuse behind a piece of coral that the tang can not get to and every time the shrimp peaks his head out the tang confronts him.
The tang actually just gets real close and does not nip or attack. Almost like he thinks the coral banded is a cleaner shimp and is waiting to get cleaned. Scares the heck out of the coral banded.
The coral banded does some out if I get right up next to the tank and "protect" him by chasing the tang away from him.
Should I be concerned? Will the tang end up leaving the coral banded alone?


coral banded seem to be very aggressive and will take care of themselves unless the fish is very persistant and HUNGRY. once they decide who is food and who is tankmate, you will know. takes about 3 days.


New Member
Originally posted by bbrook:
I got a coral banded shrimp on Saturday. I also have 4 damsels and one yellow tang. Immediatly the tang harrased the coral banded around the tank. The coral banded found refuse behind a piece of coral that the tang can not get to and every time the shrimp peaks his head out the tang confronts him.
The tang actually just gets real close and does not nip or attack. Almost like he thinks the coral banded is a cleaner shimp and is waiting to get cleaned. Scares the heck out of the coral banded. dont worry i have a tang and a banded and the same thing me the shrimp can take care of himself.and i read that theydo sometimes act as cleaners of parasites tang goes right up to him with his nose but never does i also have a large hawaian striped hak/lionfish/niger trigger/and a 14 inch snowflake and none of them have had the balls to take on the shrimp yet(he's a fighter)anywayyou should be fine and good luck