Conch is still buried in the sandbed ... after 1 1/2 months


Active Member
my fighting conch has been buried in the sandbed since 2/9.... i know its still alive because you can see its eyes stick out in different areas but always same old spot, i also know its not dead because the cleaner has always pulled dead or dieing things and ate them.
Im worried that its going to starve to death. Is there anything i can do? or is this just normal...

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
mine stay under for along time. Theres plenty for it to eat in the sand, i put mine in at the beginning of february and ive seen one of them once. I wouldnt worry too much.


Active Member
Hey Eric,
i wouldn' t worry about your fighting conch. Both mine were burried for a long period also. So this is only suggestion!!! Pull her out of the sand and put on top of it. Look if she will start moving or will burry again. I did it once and sinse then mine moves with no breakes:D
Check, maybe hermits disturbs her.
As i said this is only suggestion. Threatened conch will re-burry again.
Good luck!


mine did the same thing, NEVER moved. but stayed alive for almost a year in one place, then sold him when i sold my tank. wouldnt worry about it too much.


Mine still does it, from one tank to another it has not moved more then a few inched the whole time i have had it. Lazy conch! LOL
I've had my conch for a few weeks now and it seems to be very active. It's usually buried when my actinics kick on in the morning, and in less than an hour after "lights on" he's on the move. Very interesting to watch, reminds me of something from a sci-fi movie