conches in a nano?


i was trying to read up on conches and it seems that they are active algea eaters. my turbos arent doing too good of a job and they seem to pretty much sit in one spot(at least 1 of the three is trying to help me with my algea problem). can i keep 1 conch in a 12 gallon? how big do they get? particularly the fighting and Queen conches.


I got 2 in my 12+3 turbos+2 dove snails+ a bunch of crabs and a pencil ti urchin, and they still dont get the job quite done :mad:


is the persian conch active and eat a lot of algea? my turbos suck! only 1 of them is even doing anything. the other two just stick to the glass.


i have no idea what the problem is. there is only one active turbo that is even eating any algea. all 3 of them ate really good the first day i got them. one of them went into his shell.....all the way and has yet to return out. is he dead? ( my ammonia and nitrites and nitrates didnt go up). the third is half way in his shell, not moving for about 3 days now. please help i have no idea what is wrong with my turbos.

bryan hurs

New Member
I have both turbo and what I beleive my lfs referred to as margarita snails. They both work hardbut the margarita's are my fave! They can go on sand and rock unlike the turbos and tend to be covered in coraline algae as well. They have a great appetite and a small price.