Condensation inside of tank stand


I am getting a nice "dew" inside of everything in my sump area.

Has anyone else experienced this? It doesn't happen on my 65 setup but the back of that stand is open whereas the 90 is fully enclosed.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You could put a couple vent holes in the sides. I have a 3" hole on each side of my stand to help some of the humidity get out. I did have problems with mold on the inside of the hood over my 55. I wonder if covering part of the sump would reduce the humidity in the stand.


Well-Known Member

Is this a homemade stand? All the stands I ever saw on the market were open in the back, no doubt for this very reason, maybe a fan and opening the stand during the night will help.


Well-Known Member
If putting vent holes in the cabinet doesn't solve the humidity issue, you can always install a couple of cabinet fans... one to pull air in, and one to push air out.


you definitely need venting of some sort. just adding an exhaust fan (pushing air out) and adding a few vents to let air in on the opposite side should be more than enough.