Condi anemone not looking good,help!


I need help! Today my condi anemone rose in good shape this morning. Not to long ago i noticed it was all shrunk in. And i noticed this piece of pink-ish ball was laying next to the anemone,not knowing what it was i pulled it out of the water and it smelled horrible. I believed it was maybe waste from the condi.not sure?Also i notice in the last couple of days that its color is kind of brownish.Is there something wrong with it? OR IS this normal behavior?
All the parameter are good. Is it dying?


I am running 260 watts power compacts By current. All parameters are good thats what's weird about it. Today she's back to normal,doing her own thing. But what could cause her do behave in such a way.


Active Member
hard to tell could be waste, could be innards. if it continues it could be the innards which is bad and means its dying. if not probably waste. i personally have never found waste from mine. i dont know if it filters out right away or what, but i have a 12g so im sure i would have seen some.
how often do you feed him?


I learned i was feed him too much. I fed him twice in a five day period. Im keeping an eye out on him. So far he seems normal.I do beleive his color has changed since i got it.


The browning of the tenticles is a good thing. This means that the anenome has regained/gained some zooxanthellae. These photosynthetic bacteria are what is giving it the brown color.
Most of the time anenomes are purchased they are white in color. This is due to the fact that they expelled the simbiotic bacteria due to stress. There are certain types of anenomes that do have white tenticles, but condis are not one.


thank you grzy. btw i have another question i read in an old thread someone insulting someone else for having a Condy under 260 PC by current,could i get some opinions on it? One thing is for sure it is behaving good(besides the shrunkenness), it seems comfortable only moved about 3 inches to the left since i got it. Should i maybe experiment on moving him up a litlle higher to see if it gets more comfortable(ive learned they need heavy lighting) OR go with the "if it aint broken dont fix it". :joy: