Keep a daily eye on your tank. check for anything that might suggest a spike in paramiters.
If you haven't then run fresh carbon, just to help remove any possible mucus, toxins or DOC's that might have been caused by the anemones dissapearance.
Anemones have toxins, condi's and BTA's have a rather low toxic problem for us. IMO. I have seen both go through some pretty tramatic experiences in tanks, sucked up into powerheads, chopped in half or diced right up, many times without killing the whole tank, this includes melting events where they have died and dissolved right in the tank, but yes it can happen in some cases.
Usually with these two anemoens it only takes a little damage control, a water change, some carbon and or polyfilter and your back up to snuff.
If nothing is wrong with your tank, water quality, and water chemsitry then don't tear it apart worrying about it. You might just burry it inadvertantly.
How long have you had the anemone?
What is your lighting?
Water paramiters Ok? including pH, temp, oh and your salinity is fine at 1.025 or even 1.026, nothing to go overboard about.
calcium and alkalinity.