

Active Member
Two different species of anemones never are suposed to be housed together...But if you can keep them seperated nothing will happen...WOuldnt recomend it though, because even though they arent too quick, they could sting each other while your away, ultimately resulting in death.
Yes you need to feed the condi, all anemones need food....Most of them need to be handfed as well as the usual supplemetns...
There are a lot fo different things you can feed, (silversides, frozen brine, krill, etc.)
Most of mine always seem to like silversides best. The frozen krill is popular too though.


Yea, I just put him in my new tank that has nothing but live rock and he is looking for a spot to squat. I could have not keep him from finding my rock anemone in my other tank.I have been spot feeding my rock anemone frozen invert food with a syringe I got at a LFS. I tryed to give the condi the same and I am not to sure that it cared to much for it.


I got a condi. The best way to feed him bar none. I got my clown fish to do it for me. When i put a piece of chopped up froze krill in the tank. the Clown eats a bite then takes the rest to the anomone. Coolest thing i've ever seen. He's been doing it now for 4 months straight. They are buds


New Member
Ok so now i know that i have to feed it and what to feed it but how do you feed it if my clown has not hosted it yet?
It has also latched on to my snail and will not let it go?