Conditions for sharks


An lfs with a 20' long tank! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> Well thats different, but most of use don't have lfs's(or other places) with such large systems that are willing to trade over grown sharks for smaller ones. Your situation isn't very common in this hobby.
btw do you have pics of your setup you could post or email me?


Jim27, or is that 13.5? Im sorry, but you irritate the hell out of me. Do you realize how hypocritical you sound, claiming your 180 is fine, and that a 150 is not? I hope you realize that the dimensions of your tank are not that different from a 150. I see you post quite often (ESPECIALLY ON THE SHARK RELATED THREADS) like you some kind of expert. Quite honestly, I have seen nothing neither informative or intelligent in your post. You my friend, are what we call a parrot.
I cant get over these people saying "It might work for six months." Six months from when? Birth? When you buy it nearly full grown? I ask, have you ever kept a shark? Where do you come up with these numbers?
Bottom line is sharks CAN be kept a lot longer, and to a lesser degree of difficulty than most people say.


Originally posted by NOVICE150:
<strong>Jim27, or is that 13.5? Im sorry, but you irritate the hell out of me. Do you realize how hypocritical you sound, claiming your 180 is fine, and that a 150 is not? I hope you realize that the dimensions of your tank are not that different from a 150. I see you post quite often (ESPECIALLY ON THE SHARK RELATED THREADS) like you some kind of expert. Quite honestly, I have seen nothing neither informative or intelligent in your post. You my friend, are what we call a parrot.
Yes I do realize that the dimentions arn't that much bigger than a 180 but it is bigger. And I NEVER CLAIMED I WAS AN EXPERT. Just because I try to help people out with shark questions doesn't mean I think I'm an expert.
Lets look at some of my more recent posts.
In the "Questions about setting up a shark tank @ home" topic Down4life asks about smallest shark tank size, recommended species, filtration requirments, and how hard they are to keep.
In my reply I recommended bamboos because they're widly available, hardy, and stay small. Then I said he'll need a 180g to keep one.
Seems pretty informative to me.
And how about the topic "Sharks". Steamboat asked if there is any shark that stays around a foot.
Here's my reply: "There are a few species that stay around 2ft, but none available in the aquarium hobby stay 1ft."
I don't see anything wrong with it. I answered the question didn't I?
Even check my 1st post in this topic. I advised reeferdude not to get any sharks because his tank is too small.
Is there anyone else here who thinks that answering someones question is uninformative?
I guess you could call me a parrot. I have researched sharks and I am merely repeating information others have gathered about them. But don't we all do that?
Splash: I got the pics. Thats a pretty nice tank you have. What kind of lights are on it?


Thank you Jim 27, send some pics of your setup...I love a good heated debate! I use 2 4' blue atinic bulbs and 2 4' full spectrum bulbs.... In the process of changing to power compacts..


oh i dont know the dimesions on the tank but its a square tanks not retangle.i thought it would be preety good for a bamboo shark


Jim: Its not that your info regarding sharks themselves is inaccurate, its what you claim as their requirements that bothers me. I would hate to see someone miss the opportunity to keep a shark over 30 gallons or a few inches in tank size. I believe that you are trying to help, but seriously, there are plenty of people who will say a 180 is no where big enough for a full grown bamboo. I am not one of them. You and I both know its dependent on a number of things. Tank size, or footprint, is of much more importance than capacity in gallons. How active/innactive is the desired shark? Tank mates, filtration, diet, etc...
In hindsight, I should not have lashed out at you like that, and I apologize. I would just like to see the overall topic of keeping sharks become a little less taboo. It would be nice to see potential first time shark owners greeted with a little more optimism, instead of lead to believe that all sharks are going to morph from a cute little six inch pup, into a 12 foot monster in 6 months. Yes, its our responsibility to point them in the right direction (see nurse shark in 50 gal) but lets keep it realistic and informative. After all, it was not all that long ago when the general consensus on this board was "No Sharks in anything less that 300 gal." :)


Originally posted by NOVICE150:
<strong>Jim: Its not that your info regarding sharks themselves is inaccurate, its what you claim as their requirements that bothers me. I would hate to see someone miss the opportunity to keep a shark over 30 gallons or a few inches in tank size. I believe that you are trying to help, but seriously, there are plenty of people who will say a 180 is no where big enough for a full grown bamboo. I am not one of them. You and I both know its dependent on a number of things. Tank size, or footprint, is of much more importance than capacity in gallons. How active/innactive is the desired shark? Tank mates, filtration, diet, etc...
In hindsight, I should not have lashed out at you like that, and I apologize. I would just like to see the overall topic of keeping sharks become a little less taboo. It would be nice to see potential first time shark owners greeted with a little more optimism, instead of lead to believe that all sharks are going to morph from a cute little six inch pup, into a 12 foot monster in 6 months. Yes, its our responsibility to point them in the right direction (see nurse shark in 50 gal) but lets keep it realistic and informative. After all, it was not all that long ago when the general consensus on this board was "No Sharks in anything less that 300 gal." :) </strong><hr></blockquote>
Apology accepted. :) And I was incorrect about sharks in a 6ft 150g. But most people have the standard 150, which is 5'x2'x2'. IMO thats unsuitable for a 3ft shark. I say 180g because IMO 150g just isn't enough water volume for a shark unless the tank had a big sump to make up for it. There are a few sharks that can live happily in 150g but in most cases a bamboo isn't one of them. Two coral cats are a much better choice for a standard 150 IMO.
And I do try to greet potential shark keepers with optomism, after all sharks are the only reason I'm in this hobby. :cool:
Splash is right on and a very sucessfull shark keeper. He has been buying from me for years, and i value his knoledge as mush as mine. I have been in the business for over 20 years. Splash keep up the good work!!!


Thank you aquaticdesignsfl!

from JIM27
And I do try to greet potential shark keepers with optomism, after all sharks are the only reason I'm in this hobby.

I totally agree with that quote. Leopared sharks are my only reason why I still have an aquarium... Sharks by far are the best...
I am going to look into finding a baboo shark. Jim27 did you hatch it from an egg? I tried that once and it never ate.... Nice tank, how many power heads are in there?


No I didn't hatch them although I do really want to try and hatch one someday. I bought the brownbanded bamboo when it was 6 inches long back in late october-early november last year and I bought the whitespotted bamboo when it was 12 inches in feburary.
I have 4 powerheads in the tank. I have a Rio 2500(which I want to replace, I've heard bad things about them), a hagen 802, a hagen 401, and one unknown.


Yeah I know, every once in a while the powerheads cause a little tornado in the sand. Its kinda cool.
What should I replace my rio with?


Active Member
i agree with jim, especially since a 150 gallon is 18-1/2 inches dep, and you have a shark who gets 2 ft, sharks should have enough room to tunr comfortably, now since a 180 is 24-1/2, that does make a considerable difference, and this is one reason why a 120 is sometimes reccommended for a bamboo shark
anyhow, that little difference is great enough to notice for keeping sharks(IMO)
and on another note, no sharks do not grow overnite, but many do grow very fast, the nurse i believe will hit 3 ft in a little over a year(i think i remember reading it yes AND NOT FROM EXPERIENCE, but the fact is they still grow FAST)
tanks jim27 for the input


Active Member
jim27, go with more hagens, or i have heard tunzes are nice but expensive
and for circulation, that is not much ofr a large tank, i have more than that in my 75 gallon whiich is doing awesome