condy amenome


New Member
how do i know if my condy anemone is alive or dead. it's never standing straight up it's always on it's side. then i notice the tenicals is pulled inside and it is releasing a brown algae looking substance and the middle of it is open with what seems to be a bubble inside. can anyone give me some expert advise.


The bubble tells me to look into your PH, check it, and post it for me.
The brown substance could be one of two things;
1. Its simply excreating waste.
2. Its expelling its zooxanthellae, = that would be a bad thing, deadly even.
What about your lighting specs?
Water specs?


New Member
i tested my water and it seems to be fine.and my lighting isa power glo 2800k forcoral invertebrates and plant growth. my fish are fine im just worried about this little guy. i have 2 clowns and a snow flake ell.


So we are talking about a what 20 watt standard bulb with only a 2800 spectrum?
If so then your anemone and any other coral is doomed, however you will have spectacular algae growth.
Your lighting is way to week for any reef tank or any corals.
Correct me on the lighting if I am wrong.


It will look like melting ice cream, slimy and you will know.
Other signs could be.
Protruding mouth, extended mouth, gaping mouth (but not always) you could take those as signs that something is wrong with your water quality.
Non sticky tenticals, inablility to expand and contract, oozing of stuff out of the mouth other than waiste.
Deflated tenticals for over 2 days.
These are just a few signs to watch for.
How many watts total for your lights?