condy ananmoe (sp) closed up??


My Condy that I have had a few days was all closed in on himself when I turned on the lights this morning. The guy when I bought him said to feed him with the lights on as he would get smaller at night but dang. He didn't have but a piece of a few tenacles hanging out of his mouth, the rest appear to be crammed in. Is this normal? Is he about to die? Is he trying to tell me he doesn't like some of his tank mates?
Tomato Clown (hasn't adopted him)
Yellow Tang
Domino and a two other damsels
scarlett hermit crab
blue/green hermit crab
Dont worry Denise, your condy will do this on a regular basis. I cant tell you how many times I thought my bubble tip was dead only to have it swell up to full size again. Just keep an eye on your water readings and unless it starts to disintergrate (fall apart) it should be just fine. :)


Mine has done this a few times(I've only had it a couple of weeks), no biggie. It opens back up every time.


i have two bubble tips and a condy and they regularly do that. they have to expel wastes through their oral disc, so they open the disc up and allow the water inside of their body to escape, along with waste. i have also heard that they will even do this from time to time just to change out the water and that it's completely normal.