Condy Anemone...HELP!!!


You are MORE than welcome and it feels great to know I can be of help, because I sure know what it's like when I needed advice from friends on this forum. Great place to be.
Yes, please do share some pics of your tank. Would love to see, and I will mention ideas if something jumps out at me. Glad to hear your guy is now doing great.


1. Cover that intake before the anemone gets sucked up.
2. With as bleached out as the condy is lets examin your lighting. (?)
3. Feed that critter some meaty foods three times per week for now, better if you can even add a vitamin suppliment to it. Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides..see above sticky in this forum for feeding hints.


another question for Thomas...
Would the filter do the same job with the pri filter sponge or will it affect the filtration of the filter?


Active Member
Aren't they relatively cold water anemone's? What's the temp most people keep these things alive?


I got this anemone from deleted illeagle post to competitorand it says that they need 72-78 degrees. Here's the link if you wanna check it out... Again, do not post links to competitors, against this boards rules.


Originally Posted by diane4
My condy is always moving around. He never sits still.
I feed mine 2-3 times a week, a small bite sized peice of raw shrimp. He likes that.
Mine actually hasn't moved since it has been set.


Originally Posted by kingoftang
I feed it two to three times a that bad for it??
Frightfull overfeeding. try only a couple of times per week. This thing is a photosynthetic animal and feeds off of the nutrition from the zooxanthellae that resides within it. You are definatly overfeeding this animal and that could lead to a water quality problem.
P.S. Do not post links to other sites or BB or fish stores, that is not allowed on this board.


Thanks about the links part...I didn't know. SORRY.
Everytime I fed it, it ate. It never let go of the shrimp or spit it back out. It just ate it. I don't understand how that could lead to water quality problem. what is zooxanthellae?


It causes bad water quality because what ever you feed your anemone has to come out aswell, and their excrement cause ammonia ect which leads to death of anemone and bad water quality. Zooxanthellae are the symbiotic algae which live in the anemones tissue. Without zooxanthellae the anemone cannot respire and the zooxanthellae also feeds the anemone. What lights do you have?


lamaface, please finish the acurate statement you are making by saying - this is why one should do water changes ever week without fail. I do 10-40% every week and my animals thrive. I do not hold back food, I don't over feed, only feeding what they will consume, but just because one eats and eliminates and people don't want to flush the "toilets" of their fish tanks regularly, should that be a reason to be fed less. Gee... ponder that thaught. WATER CHANGE - WATER CHANGE
On feeding, don't take my word for it - read this link.
You know better than to post that, and that site you listed is one of the absolute worst for pop ups.


I dont get that last part about the link Diane?
Lamaface - I have normal fluorescent lights but the guys i bought it from said that it should be fine if you have good water quality and if you feed it regularly? They checked my water quality and said it is perfect. Also, my cousin has one in a 75 gallon tank without any reef lights and its been fine for almost 5-7 months now.