Condy anemone help


New Member
I have a question about my condy anemone... I've had him for about two weeks and he seems to be doing okay but he keeps shriveling up at night and detatching his foot from the rock he's on... Like I'll find him all small and upside down in the middle if the night or in the morning when I turn the light on... I know my lighting is ok. I have t5s and the bulbs seem to be just fine and I'm not curebrly having any problems with my water quality... He always recovers from it, I just can't figure out why he's doing this... He even got sucked up against my power head intake one time when I first got him and he fully recovered. Anybody have an idea as to why he's doing this or if it's a sign of some problem? Any quick answers would be much appreciated!


New Member
A little over a year old... I used to have a sebae anemone and it did fine untill my sponge carrying crab decided to carry it and killed it... But it never did anything like what this condys doing...

eric b 125

my guess is that the anemone is detaching because it's trying to find a place where it is happy. depending on the t5 fixture you have it might not be enough light for the nem. as long as you have a wandering anemone, i would advise you to cover your powerheads.


New Member
The thing is, he's not wandering... He stays in the same place, and I'm not having a problem with him going near the powerhead now, that was just a fluke thing that happened like a week and a half ago... He's drying in the same spot, but he shrivels up when the lights are off sometimes... I really would like to fund out why he's doing this, I'm so worried about him!