Condy anemone sting?


DO they sting other tankmates? I moved my tank around and he's close to a ricordia mushroom of mine and I don't want it to hurt the 'schroom.


I had a condi anemone for about a year (It recently died) and it was always mobile, it stayed in one spot for a month max, then it would move somewhere else.
Anyways, it would get close enough to sting many of my corals, shrooms included, and I never had a problem.
I wouldnt worry about it.


Cool. This guy stays put. He never moves around. I even detached him from one rock an threw him back in this rock and he stuck. But that's when I noticed he was close to my ric.


New Member
I had a purple tip condy that moved next to a green mushroom. It would keep grabbing the mushroom on one side with its tentacles. The mushroom secreted its goo and the condy stopped. The condy then moved to the other side of the tank where it met its demise in a powerhead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BamBam_250r
DO they sting other tankmates? I moved my tank around and he's close to a ricordia mushroom of mine and I don't want it to hurt the 'schroom.

Yes they can, and yes they will sting other tank mates. Anemones should not be considered "reef safe" although many roll the dice and hope things work out. The larger the tank the better your chances. However if they wonder close to a coral then yes absolulty they will sting it and damage it, in some instances it could kill the coral or get seriously injured itself depending on what it is fighting with.