Condy Anenome



Hey elvis I gave you another chance when your name was elvis. You give people our age bad names. Just gecause your a pocket protector wearing computer loving 11 year old doesent mean you have to come in here and act like a retard. BTW my tanklooks better than yours and its cycling. (whip crack) oh burn


My Condis are sometimes a problem moving around alot. This morning I found my fav sucked up on the pump(its 3rd time). This time,,,he wasnt so lucky. Gone to "boogerville".
Anyway,,,my Tomato clown loves the condis.


I have been on ALOT of chat programs/message boards and I honestly feel that Sammy was harsh in his responce to a child. Whom is the adult here sammy??Especially if one is in the position to "moderate" these message boards,one must accept children and theyre responces or deal with them in a professional manner. IF you delete a post of someone, explain to that person why, privately if possible.
I`ll save ya the trouble of telling me I suck next.
Isnt this board here for opinions?OK,...I suck for voicing mine.I can handle that.
My first 2 weeks on this board, I valued your opinion most. Now I dont.I wonder the age gap between you 2.


Sheree -
In Sammy's defence, I think he's had to put up with a lot of s*** from this kid. Every on here tries to help everybody else out, but it seems that he just wastes everybody's time with pure crap coming out of his computer. If it was just Sammy having a hard time with him, it'd be something else, but basically everybody on this board is sick of it. Sammy tried to deal with the problem in a professional manner at first, but it didn't work with somebody as immature as IZ/SE. Sometimes you have to stoop to that level. I'll stop here because I know there have been several threads about this, and this thread is supposed to be about condi's, but I just wanted to stand up for Sammy because he's not the one that should be attacked on this.
Anyways, yay for condis.


Thanks guys even though it got a liitle off topic. My percula clown still hasn't gone in it yet but oh well, the anenome still looks pretty neat. Oh yeah feeding it is kinda weird but neat.


sorry to butt in, but I figured that since this was a pretty active message board I could ask my condi question here.
What kind of light do those guys need? Or do theu not even need light if they eat so much? I want to start a pretty inexpensive tank mainly for hermit crabs. (I can't help myself, I love those funny buggers!) But I was also wanting maybe to put in a sponge and some other low light animals with some live rock (which I am assuming doesn't need light unless you want coraline algae)
are condi's a good idea or will they eat everyone?

murray bmf

I have two condi's and my Clakii love them. He switches between the two and feeds them. I don't have a problem with them moving much, only when I mess with the power heads. They seem sensitive to the change in currents. Anyway My 2 cents worth.


Active Member
cant we all just get along, Invader i remember you slamed my friend for asking a simple question, he was pretty pissed off... i dont agree with kicking him/her out but you should really act like a grown up and respect other peoples problems and answers in a mature manner


Active Member
you dont know what you are talking about.
sammy has been dealing with this superelvisa/invader idiot for some time now. He's so annyoing, he posts multiple times in one thread, and just makes things up. I feel he ruins threads! I almost dont want to read some things anymore. Very irratating.
if you had to babysit this damn kid you would be pretty pissed too.
So take your two cents somewhere else!


Active Member
i know how you feel dan- sammy and zim have a history- trust me- nothing you say matters to that kid- good or bad;)


Active Member
from elvisa/zim about a poweroutage:
So you have no power???
Well if i was in your situation i would seriously take action and not just sit there. I'd pop some candles around that tank and try to atleast keep it warm somehow.
Well if there's no power...........................hmm.................think for a sec elvis............ I'd pop a car battery by the tank and pop some halogens an keep that sucker warm, if the battery is low, pop it on the car, generate it up, use it again. I would never jsut let those things die, i'd try as hard as i could, i wouldn't just give up, no matter how dumb this stuff would seem.
This is just "my idea" I hope something happens soon.
Well while you are at the car battery idea, might as well pop the heater for the tank to it.
*This not only doesnt make sense but its a fire hazard, keeping candles near a tank to keep it warm?!?!!?? she/he didnt even state that its just an idea or dont even try it out, if some beginner read that and actually thought it was alright to do something then that person would have not only kill the fish it will destroy the tank and create a firehazard! If i was a beginner i would have actually believed that would work and would have burned down my house by now.
Giving such information should not be allowed at all.