

Active Member
Sorry I have no photo but I've attached a drawing of the shape of what I saw. It was basically a flattened cone with 2 or 3 horizontal circles of color (opposite of the vertical coloring in the diagram). It was 3:00 a.m. and I was staring into the tank for one last time before bed (yes, I'm a zombie at the office today) and saw a pretty circular thing on one of th LR's. As I looked at it from a different angle I could tell it was cone-shaped and thought it was odd I had never noticed it there before but then figured maybe it was just a calcified something that's always been there but was getting more pronounced coloring since the tank is coming to life. I got up this morning and it's no longer where it was so now I'm thinking it's a hitchhiker of some sort. If and when I see it again I will take a picture but can anyone tell me what might be in there that is cone-shaped and moves? I don't think it was a type of snail - it was perfectly round and had such pretty circular colors.


Active Member
limpet. beneficial unless it had a "keyhole" in the top. new tanks have lots, but theyll go away after time.


Active Member
Wow - thanks for the quick and accurate solution - I love this site! After doing a search and looking at several photos of limpets that's most definitely what I saw but I'm not sure yet how to tell if it was a "keyhole" or not. Does it have to have the uniquely-shaped opening in the top? Some of the photos of keyholes look very much like what I saw but without an obvious hole in the top. I've got to find that little bugger again and check him out in detail!


Active Member
most likely he's harmless. im not exactly sure how to tell a keyhole from a harmless one except for the hole in the top, and ive read some places say that even some limpets with a hole in the top are harmless. i would just leave them and observe, watch to make sure they arent bothering anything.


These things have a grip like no other. I had one that grew to about 1.25" in length and I tried removing it, and placing it in my fuge. I thought I was going to have to pry it off with a knife to get it loose. They are extremely slow movers.


Active Member
lol, ive noticed the same thing. most of the time i end up pulling the shell off leaving the body stuck to whatever it was on!