Written by: Melissa Loftus, Alex Sherman, Ashley Quan, and Mieko Griffin
That was the last sentence?:notsure: JK. Yea, I know, they got that rep becuz of that, but it shouldnt mean that ALL rats are horrible creatures.
I don't know why they freek me out, guess the stereotype like you said. I didn't mean anything bad about your rat, hope you didn't take it like that. I've never been around one so they could be very sweet.
If I had a rat I would call him "Ben" and he would be my friend and I would talk to him all the time and then I wouldn't have to talk to people cause people are mean and Ben is my friend and I would train him to do stuff for me and if people were mean to me....
Originally posted by lovethesea
well put Love
i have a pet rat named Molly! She's only about 2 months old, love her to death, i'll see if i can get a pic later. she's in a 10gal aquarium (lol my old nano)