Conflicting Opinions


All of my tank specifics are listed below in my signature, except that my nitrates are ~2.5 and my salinity is 1.024. My question involves 2 things:
1) Some say that I should not add any more fish to this system (I only want to add one), some say I can, what's the general opinion?
2) If I did add one, I would like an Orchid/Fridmani Dottyback. While Scott Michael says this is a peaceful fish, some say it is very aggressive. Is this just because it's grouped with other dottybacks?
Also, has an amazing price on the Orchid Dottyback, how are they able to offer that?


Active Member
I would not add anymore. Some will say ok to add orchid. I like to air on the side of being a bit conservative and since you have a reef you don't want to elevate your nitrates by adding another fish.
As far as pricing, since SWF orders volumes they get a better price. I've never ordered fish via mail since I like to observe prior to purchase but others say that the quality at SWF is good. Good luck.


Thanks for the advice, thus far I have tried to be conservative and I think you're right, maybe I should just let the population be. I was mainly ading the fish for color, which is the wrong reason to add. I will continue to be happy adding corals though!


Active Member
you are actually kinda border line, i would not add anymore, but a better indicater would be your water at this point, if you can get your trates and all down to zero and keep hem there, THEN MAYBE i would consider another small fish, but you are better off being conservative, especailly with having your corals and anemones in there, you really need to get your trates down and maintain them for their sake, and if you can't do it now, then another fish would only make it more difficult


Yeah, I have never had my nitrates below the 2.5 number. I do weekly 10% water changes and have made all of my additions to my tank slowly. I think I need to get my water tested at the LFS to see if maybe it's a problem with the test kit. My corals and anemone are doing well, and I'd hate to jeopardize that!


Active Member
Well IMO I say go for it. Nitrates at 2.5ppm I think is very good.
I have a 55 with more fish then you and more corals then you and my nitrates test <5ppm and all are doing very well.
Many experts agree that lower nitrates are better but also agree anything under 10ppm is acceptable for a reef tank.


if you get your nitrates down to 0 then i would say go for it. other wise hold off for a while. how long has your tank been up and running?? anyway are you over feeding your tank? this is one reason you could have nitrates. good luck


My tank has been up and running for 6 months, I have only had fish in it for about 3.5 months though (I added each 1 month apart except the pair of clowns, they went in together). I do my best to not overfeed, and I see no change in my nitrates over time. My clean up crew does a great job with any leftovers. I think the best thing for me to do is have my water tested elsewhere, my ammonia test was in error, so I guess my nitrate could be too.