I am not sure there is, but there are LOADS of discussions on bioballs and biowheels
LOL. Lots of nitrate factory threads. There may be a FAQ for new hobbyists that talks about some of these issues in the Archive. I'll have to look.
The problem with generalizations is that what everone wants to keep is different. If I had a FO system, especially with aggressive fish, I would do a wet dry and skimmer hands down. No question. Others maybe wouldn't. On a reef tank I would do a refugium and skimmer, hands down (if I could do it again
). But so many systems work well for different people. What you really need to do, is figure out what you can afford, what you are comfortable with, and know the limitations of your system. I wouldn't pack a tank full of delicate fish running an over the back filter for example. So lots and lots of variables I am afraid. :yes: Thankfully most can be adapted or changed out over time...though it isn't easy.
I guess the only firm answer is "don't use an undergravel filter on any tank." :yes: