Confused Newb


New Member
I'm reading a lot on saltwater fish tanks and I'm excited about starting my tank. I have a couple of questions and hope you all can help me out.
1) What's the smallest tank I can use? Is it unreasonable to have a 10 gallon salt water tank?
2) Water changes. If you cycle the water for 4-6 weeks, or if you've had your tank running for years, I assume you don't just mix salt and water in a bucket and dump it into your tank. So how do you make the water you're putting in (change water) as good as the water your taking out?
I know I'm missing some details, please help.
Just so you all know, while I'm excited about starting the tank I am not rushing into it. The last thing I want are fish poping up dead in my tank. Doing things right takes patience - and good advice :)
Thank You!

tony detroit

Active Member
1. IMO a 55gal as a minimum, but much easier when you start getting over a 100gallons and much healthier.
2. You set up a water changing station in your laundry room. A big tub, thermometer, RO water filter, pump, hose and a few valves. Match your new water to your tank water. Siphon out old and pump in the new.


Is probally is easier to start with a +55 gal but smaller tanks can be done. I have a ten and this is my first sw tank ever. I started with damsels but they are mean little f'ers
the one bit the others tail off. it was morbid. anyways. start off with the Nano Tank forum the most of the people that specialize in smaller tanks post there and answer questions.
CHECK YOUR WATER QUALITY CONSTANTLY (especially with smaller tank because the can change in a heart beat)