CONFUSED... what do i need for my EMPTY 20 gallon soon-to-be tank


wow everyone. im so confused right now. here is some information on the tank so far. its an empty 20 gallon tank. the length is 24 inches and the height it 17 inches. this is what i want: Tahitian moon sand, crocea clam. this is what i know i need to have. protein skimmer, metal halide lighting (preferably 250 watts or more), and powerheads, also a good filteration system? but do i need a fuge? and would the fuge hang on the back of my tank. i want it to be so that you can't see any wires or anything (only the necessary wires)... also do i need a sump. i was thinking of getting this:CPR SYS500 Wet/Dry Filter * - includes CR 500, CS50 overflow , hose kit, Rio1700UL return powerhead and IF75 inflow kit. is all this what i need for a good reef tank?


Active Member
You could get a hang on back fuge there pretty compact you can get them all the way down to like 12 inches long. On a 20 gallon tank a 175 watt metal halide would be fine and probly to mutch. You wont need a wetdry for a 20 gallon tank. I would suggest getting as big of tank as you can afford small saltwater tanks are hard to keep the params right and is not recommended for the beginner.


Active Member
If you have the cash to afford metal halide lighting, do yourself a favor and get a much bigger tank. I recommend at least a 55 gallon. The tank is one of the cheapest parts of the hobby.
I am just assuming you want a 20 gallon due to limited space. If you have room for a 55 gallon, do that.


Active Member
Clams need metal halide lighting. I'm not sure about the 250 watt statement though. If you have a 20 gallon tank then a 150 watt metal halide light is good enough for a clam as long as is is 10,000k or better. Definately go with a bigger tank than 20 gallon though. The clam will do a lot better with around 1 pound of liverock per gallon in your tank, and when you start adding liverock to a 20 gallon tank, you run out of room fast.


i don't really have the room for a big 55 gallon. in my room i can only fit a 20 gallon. my mother has a 55 gallon in her room. what type of filteratioin would i want for a 20 gallon reef tank?


Active Member
Many types of filters to choose from
Hang on filters
Canister filters
Wet/Dry filters
Skimmer is a must.
If you go hang on then you want to get a emp 250 "I think that is it" one of the smaller emporer filters. And a hang on skimmer.
If your going with a sump then you could get a insump skimmer and it wouldnt have anything hanging in the tank you can put your heater down there to.
Same way with a refurgium
The diffrence ina refug and sump is the refuge usues live source like live sane plants animals to remove waste. A sump uses bio balls to remove waste if you can afford it I would go with bolth of them and have 1 going from the tank to the other and the other going back to the tank. But in a 20 gallon you wont need this.
in a 20 gallon I would go with the emp hang on filter and a hang on skimmer.


Snipe, i would go bigger, but i just don't have the room for it... i want to really just have my own reef tank in my room, and i can only have a 20 gallon in my room. but do you think i should just get a skimmer, emp. 250, and a refuge... or can i make a diy sump and whatnot...


Active Member
On a 24" tank I dont know if you could fit all that or not.
You need a filter and skimmer. If you wanted you could do a hang on refurgium 12" I still know dont if it would fit. You could diy a wet/dry/sump but you wouldnt need one on a 29 gallon.