

New Member
My tank has been up for a yr now an this past week the ammonia has gone up i have nothing in it right now since i went an gave my fish to my uncle to put in his 75 gal..The ammonia is at .50,ph=8.3,nitrite=0 and nitrates r at 0 so what could be the problem with it..Nothing died unless the liverock did i have crushed coral for my bottom..Please help me out..


Staff member
What type of filtration do you have in the tank? And is all the filtration working properly. Have you added anything new to the tank in the way of decor, that you might not think is harmful but it is? Like dead sea fans, starfish, etc.?
If the LR was dead, or dying, you should be able to tell this by significant die-off of the algae. Smelly water, etc.