
newbie 67

Thanks I am doing a 5 gal. change today. Whats the best way to figure out how much salt to add? I just pour some in my bucket add the watter let it sit then after i do my water change I add or subtract depnding on my reading.


Active Member
look on the salt container. Mine says to add 1/2 cup per gallon to make 1.023. So I add just over a 1/2 cup per gallon - and then yeah - I test it prior to adding it and add more salt or water, depending on the reading.


Active Member
How are you doing changes? You should be adding salt, letting it mix for 24 hours with heater and powerhead to properly mix and aerate, test salinity, then change out. My salt takes about 2 1/2 cups for 5 gallons but you need to test before you add and never add salt to the tank directly. How are you testing salinity, you should get a refractometer as hydometer can be very inaccurate, mine was 5 points off for example.


Sorry i just realized i posted saying my fire shrimp died, i meant molted