

quick question..I've been debating with my brother on things relating to saltwater..and I need some answers to help me better understand my situation.
ok so I have a 20g setup, I have an algae (mainly hair algae..and another form (not bryopsis) that is growing through and consuming the hair algae. The algae growth is stagnant due to the fact that I've went to extreme measures trying to totally wipe out phoshates and comes the next part....the problem
I was thinking of continuing to tooth brush my rocks and continue to rid the tank of algae...however, I need something to maintain this..while I was thinking snails (1 or 2) just to see how they do..astrea or turbo or one of each..and get rid of my blue leg hermits to preserve the snails (replace with scarlets perhaps)...
my borther however INSISTS...that I spend 100 bucks and get a skimmer..prolly the prizm that I plan to get when I have the money..however..I belive that if I get a few snails...get rid of a few preditors (the hermits) and fight my algae away at the cost of ~6 bucks..I'm still just as well off for the time I've heard that smaller tanks arn't as needy of a real protein skimmer (I have a skilter) ... is this true?
sujestions on this please...I'm confussed, and not to sure what I should do..any help would be very appreciated.... :joy:


Active Member
If it was as easy as throwing 6$ worth of snails in the tank non of us would have algae :thinking:. You can get by with out a skimmer but a skimmer would help... water changes will also help as would adding a refug.


thanks man
the skilter has a skimmer..just not the best kind
I'm kinda in the experimental stage with this hair I've read most ppl have experienced this stage...its under control..but confussing :)
I'm try the snails...but I was wondering if a bigger better skimmer would make a world of a difference in a 20gal..I've heard elsewise..but I'd like other's opinions (aside...I do plan on gettin one when cash permits..but I'm curious)
as for the fuge..totally aggree with you..I've been thinking of makin a DIY..a lot of awesome ideas out there..but I'm just waiting on some free reef stuff that's coming to me (all from a 300 gal setup) and I wanna see what I'll be gettin from it.
thanks for your input btw :D
edit: as well..I do water changes (least 10% every 2 weeks)


IMO, add more snails than just 2 and stick with the Astrea, Turbos can knock things around the tank and we didnt have much luck with the couple we bought--died within a week. Definitely invest in a skimmer when you can, the Prizm should be fine, we're running one on our 55 and it seems to be fine.
Never seen our bluelegs kill any snails, seen'em kill each other for shells. But I'm not saying they havent either.
May I ask how you were toothbrushing your rocks? Inside or outside the tank?
BTW, if you have lots of algae, wait before you add the snails. They probably wont eat long strands/tufts, I think they mostly eat "new" sprouts and ,more or less, keep the algae growth in check. Same goes with the hermits. This is from my experience, keep in mind everyones tank is different.


hrm thankls man, I appreciate the info
as for toothbrushing..I usually do it outside of the tank....get rid of EVERYTHING algae wise then rinse and put them back in....I try to refrain from doing the ones with zoos and such on them...I don't have to much coral either than the brain and pulsating I'm not to worried about brushing over the lowly stuff since it grows back
I have been frequently brushing..and the ones I have brush have literely little or no grow back..which is awesome cuz its been 2 weeks for some of those rocks but its still clear...that's good...I figure snails will help it stay that way since my hermits have never ate algae in my tank to my knowledge...but I'll keep brushing (the remaining rocks) and see where it goes form there...I'm just trying to do this slowly to not shock my system or anything
I'lll try all this when I have time and I get payed for snails
as for the skimmer...I'll wait till I have the funds :eek:
thanks again :D


Sounds like you're on track. Thats the way I did our rock. I also did the zoo rock, planned it around a water change. Basically scrubbed the rock with siphoned tank water, in hopes of not shocking it too much; it seems as if we succeeded=no casualties. Like I said, it sounds like you have a good handle on the situation, so we'll wait for your progress reports.