Connecting two overflows


I have 2 1200 GPH overflows that I need to connect together to dump in my sump in the basement. Any ideas how with the thought of unrestricting the flow?


Active Member
Yeah you can bring PVC down from the bottom of the bulkheads from under the tank and then use PVC fittings to connect them to a central line going to your sump........Kinda like how your household plumbing is done and dumps into the main line


Active Member
Just Y them together...Each Over flow will have 1 larger pipe going down to your basement.
Or depending on how much space you have to make a all 4 to a 4" PVC that goes down to your basement.
Keep in mind the return pump is gonna have HUGE head pressure so you'll need probably a 6,000gph pump to push 4,000gph up 15 ft or so.


Can i run a collection tub under the tank( All four discharge)s going into this container and then have one large bulkhead connecting a (maybe 2") Flexible PVC ddown to my sump/fuge


Active Member
Originally Posted by MBowker
Can i run a collection tub under the tank( All four discharge)s going into this container and then have one large bulkhead connecting a (maybe 2") Flexible PVC ddown to my sump/fuge

Like a Pre-Sump? The problem with lets say it's got 10 gallons in it...
You have to make sure that when you shut off the pumps that the 55 downstairs has enough capactiy to hold whatevers left in the tanks to overflows then the Pre-Sump will drain too...
Me thinks You'll have a mess and something else up stairs to make noise..
Good thought though..


Active Member
I think some should read the plumbing suggestions made in the 375 gallon setup....I asked the same question and was not told anything about upgrading the size of the drain to 2x the bulkhead size. Advised by a plumbing "guru" that wouldn't create any backpressure on the system, so think going 2x bigger than bulkhead would be a little overboard and there was reasons stated why if you want to read the thread


Active Member
Sorry for being vague, but if you go back and look at Dboy999 threads on his setup for his 375 he goes through alot of detail on setup and plumbing work and had good input from Squidd I think it was and I had raised the question about increasing the size of the drain line due to the overflows and was advised against that and he states exactly why


Active Member
Just "caught up" with this thread...must have slipped thru the cracks whe I wasn't looking...

The important point here is "What is the total flow going to be going "INTO" the tank ?"...Then size the final drain line to meet that need...
What I'm saying is doesn't matter how many or how big the overflow lines are...if your only pumping "X" gph into the tank...then you only need "Y" sized pipe to get it to the basement...Doesn't matter if you have Four 3" drain lines coming off the tank, you still only need a "Y" sized pipe to take it to the sump...
So what is "X"...? How much are you planning on "pumping into" the tank (not counting supplemental or "in tank" circulation)