Considering a butterfly....need your opinions

noah's nemo

Red tail(pakistani),or an eclipse.Both look great.I thought my tank was complete,just curious what you guys think of the possible addition.
125 gallon(72x18)
stock:koran angel(juvi)
chocolate tang
humu humu
2 ocellaris clowns
6 line


Active Member
The Red Tail is a good choice. The Eclipse is a corallivore and should be avoided.
Better choices, IMO/IME, would be a Racoon or Auriga (aka Threadfin). Your tank is pretty rough and tumble for a Butterflyfish. The main problem will be it's introduction order, being the last fish in. You might (read probably) will have to sit a fish in "time-out." The best way of introduction would be to section off a part of the tank with egg crate and let the other fish get 'accustom' to the Butterfly.

noah's nemo

I do like the red tail a little more.That was my only concern,if they would all play nice or not.I never really meant to have a semi aggresive tank,it just kinda turned into one.Thanks for the input.
Love your annularis too