Considering a new tank


Ok, I'm considering upgrading from a 36 gallon tank to a 55 gallon and was wondering if you could tell me if the hang on filters would be enough. I have 2 doubles and one large single. Would I need a sump? Is that the same thing as a wet/dry filter?


Depends are you gunna do reef or FOWLR ( Fish only with live rock)??? I wouldnt advise putting only a HOB filter.


Active Member
to tell you the truth i have a 55 gallon tank and i really regret not buying a 75 gallon tank.


I agree w/Culp, if my living room was a little bigger I'd have at least a 75gal. The extra room front to back would be great for aquascaping. With a 55gal you only have about 12" to work with, then all the rock has to go up instead of out.
On that note, I love having a sump just because you can put all of your equipment under the tank which makes the display look much cleaner. It also adds more water volume and allows space for a refugium. All I have for filtration is live rock & a skimmer. I used to run a HOB carbon filter, but it just proved to be more of a pain than it was worth and really made no difference in my water quality.
Anemones can be hard to keep and will need really good water quality & good lighting. Just a heads up!
Hope this helps


Active Member
+1 nems are harder then most corals. and a sump is the way to go. Then if you want a filter do like I did on my 55 where the overflows go into the sump I puts some eggcrate in the and put filter element on it works great you can put just filter elemant or the kind that have carbon in it if you want to run carbon. then skimmer then fuge then return pump. make the tank look better and alot easier to maintain


Well, I would love to have a HUGE tank, however, I have a townhouse and space is limited so the 55 is the winner for me. I'm gonna keep the 36 I have as well, so that should be enough to keep me busy. This is what I've done so far. I have ordered 70lbs of live rock, a sump Wet/dry filter, and a protien skimmer. I have a HOB filter that I can add to the sump if I see I need it. Can I buy replacement bulbs for the canopy lights that come with the tank that will be sufficeint for coral and anemones? Do you think what I've mentioned will be sufficient?


Active Member
What kind of light are in the canopy. If standerd flouresnt then no. You will need mh lighting or a good T5 setup with indevegual reflectors for a nem and your tank must e established for at least 6 months before adding one


I was looking at some T5's online and found a few that have the one Pink and the one Blue. Would that be enough or would I need more than that? What is the minimum for coral that requires low light?


In have the 4x54 watt Nova Extreme but for my 55g, but I wish I went with the 6x54watt Nova Extreme Pro with Individual Reflectors.


Active Member
If you really want anems I would go with a t5 VHO setup or a MH setup. You want to have at least 175W over the tank for nems.


Just an update, I bit the bullet and went with the 75 gallon tank opposed to the 55. Figured since the price wasn't much different, I should just do it. I added the water and sand today, hope to have my live rock by week end and start my cycling/curing. I ordered the sump/wet dry filter and the protien skimmer that I should also have in a few days. With these two items along with a double HOB Tetra filter, do you think this is enough?