It's about time for me to setup a sump, but I have no clue what I'm looking for or what to purchase.
I'm looking at placing the sump in my basement and understand the "max head" in a pump and I think I know what size pump I need, but would like your opinion.
I have a 55 Gallon and looking to use a 35gallon sump to return water back to the main system. The sump will sit about 12-15 feet below the main display tank and reside in the basement. Now the question I have are these:
What size overflow do I purchase? 300gph, 600gph, etc?
Pump I was considering is coralife 580-P, 586GPH 16.4 MAX head. So if I'm thinking of this right, i would need a overflow rated at 600gph to keep up with the pump???? Is that correct? or would I jump right to 800gph?
Please make any suggestions in pumps, sumps, overflows... I'm completely new at the sump situation
Equipment list I'm thinking of is this?
CPR overflow: 1" Bulkhead, 600 gph
Coralife 580-P pump
All-Glass Megaflow model 3 sump.
What else should I consider? I'm sure I'm missing something
Thank you all very much for your help. What would I do without the help of everyone here... I think i would have a big flood
I'm looking at placing the sump in my basement and understand the "max head" in a pump and I think I know what size pump I need, but would like your opinion.
I have a 55 Gallon and looking to use a 35gallon sump to return water back to the main system. The sump will sit about 12-15 feet below the main display tank and reside in the basement. Now the question I have are these:
What size overflow do I purchase? 300gph, 600gph, etc?
Pump I was considering is coralife 580-P, 586GPH 16.4 MAX head. So if I'm thinking of this right, i would need a overflow rated at 600gph to keep up with the pump???? Is that correct? or would I jump right to 800gph?
Please make any suggestions in pumps, sumps, overflows... I'm completely new at the sump situation
Equipment list I'm thinking of is this?
CPR overflow: 1" Bulkhead, 600 gph
Coralife 580-P pump
All-Glass Megaflow model 3 sump.
What else should I consider? I'm sure I'm missing something
Thank you all very much for your help. What would I do without the help of everyone here... I think i would have a big flood