Considering shutting down my tank


Moderators feel free to move this post to a different forum if it fits better elsewhere.
I am giving strong consideration to shutting down my tank after more than a decade. I realize that for the past couple of years that I have kept it up, because I "always" have, but have lost much of the passion for it. I am sure much of my attitude comes directly from my losing battle with bubble algae which, in spite of my efforts (manual cleaning, emerald crabs), has choked out corals and made for an ugly tank. I now have only two fish, a peppermint shrimp, and a few snails and hermits, plus a very few zoos that are still hanging on in spite of the bubble algae.
What I am unsure of is what are some best practices for shutting down a tank? I did not see a discussion thread on this topic, but was a little unsure what search terms to use. Those that I tried did not yield any results.
I expect that I could check with my local fish store to see if they would take the fish, shrimp, snails, and hermits. Since the few remaining zoos are on rocks with bubble algae, I do not know of a good option there.
I could clean up the tank, stand, and other hardware and perhaps even sell some of it.
What other considerations or responsible options are there?
Feedback, suggestions, or referrals to existing threads would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trippclark http:///forum/thread/386357/considering-shutting-down-my-tank#post_3392851
Moderators feel free to move this post to a different forum if it fits better elsewhere.
I am giving strong consideration to shutting down my tank after more than a decade. I realize that for the past couple of years that I have kept it up, because I "always" have, but have lost much of the passion for it. I am sure much of my attitude comes directly from my losing battle with bubble algae which, in spite of my efforts (manual cleaning, emerald crabs), has choked out corals and made for an ugly tank. I now have only two fish, a peppermint shrimp, and a few snails and hermits, plus a very few zoos that are still hanging on in spite of the bubble algae.
What I am unsure of is what are some best practices for shutting down a tank? I did not see a discussion thread on this topic, but was a little unsure what search terms to use. Those that I tried did not yield any results.
I expect that I could check with my local fish store to see if they would take the fish, shrimp, snails, and hermits. Since the few remaining zoos are on rocks with bubble algae, I do not know of a good option there.
I could clean up the tank, stand, and other hardware and perhaps even sell some of it.
What other considerations or responsible options are there?
Feedback, suggestions, or referrals to existing threads would be appreciated. Thanks!
Get a Aquaripure filter, or dose vodka or get a inline UV sterilizer...all of these will end your bubble algae problems. If you really want to get rid of the tank...fine, but I sure wouldn't give up the ghost and let algae win.
I had to check and see if you were on post #1...I don't recall you asking for any help....My goodness there are critters that even eat it, I hope you are certain you want out. Most times we only get a tiny portion on resale out of the money we put in.
You might get the bug to have a tank later, So maybe concider storing your tank and equipment for at least a year to be sure. It beats re-purchasing everything new.


Well, this weekend was the final straw. The plastic container that was serving as my refugium developed a crack and water leaked all over the floor. I shut down the whole 55 gallon tank. Moved the remaining fish, shrimp, snails, and crabs to my quarantine tank until I can find them a new home. Now I have a LOT of equipment -- tank, cabinet stand, hood, VHO lighting, skimmer, filers, pumps, etc. that I need to get rid of. How have other found as the best way to move such items? Classifieds? Ebay? Craigs List? Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trippclark http:///forum/thread/386357/considering-shutting-down-my-tank#post_3405169
Well, this weekend was the final straw. The plastic container that was serving as my refugium developed a crack and water leaked all over the floor. I shut down the whole 55 gallon tank. Moved the remaining fish, shrimp, snails, and crabs to my quarantine tank until I can find them a new home. Now I have a LOT of equipment -- tank, cabinet stand, hood, VHO lighting, skimmer, filers, pumps, etc. that I need to get rid of. How have other found as the best way to move such items? Classifieds? Ebay? Craigs List? Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
PM me for my private e-mail...we can sell or trade on the site but we can on our own. I would love a list of what you want rid of.