Contacting a Moderator


Active Member
WHat about the <!> button in the upper right. I've never used it, but it calls down the fury and wrath of the Moderators doesn't it?? :help:


Active Member
Posting a thread like this or putting "Moderator" in the title usually works well to get our attention. We may or may not respond immediately depending on if we know the answer to the question you're asking about... most cases when one of use does not, we post a thread in the shark tank "mod only forum" so everyone can see what's going on and the appropriate mod can answer the question being asked.
For emergency contact use the "!" button above, and for general questions just put mod in the title.


Active Member
well this is a good topic ,,,,,,,,, ....... my other account Oceanist is suspended , can you please unsuspend it , im not sure what i did , but im sorry for what ever it was


That we can't do. we have no access to controls that will disable someones account. For that you need to contact the Admin yourself.