Container to mix salt?


Can I purchuse a brand new (clean) 32 gallon plastic trash can (and clean it really good), to mix and hold salt water for later use?
It would be kept indoors, and airconditioned to room temp.
Is this sanitary (or okay)?


Active Member
I use the 5 gallon empty buckets from Home Depot, don't see how your trash can idea would be bad. Just wash it out real good.


I use the 5g from HD al well.
I was reading one should aerate (sp) water with a power head or something (also helps mix salt water) and leave salt water pre mixed for a few days.
I fiqured insead of having to mix salt every weekend (which is what it feels like), I can spend the day doing it once, and make and store a bulk amount.
thanks for the responce..........(don't steal my idea, jk, ha, ha).


Active Member
Ya, one power head should do it. I'd get a can with a good sturdy lid so that you can cut the holes for the cord and some kind of bright colored tape to mark the top of the can so nobody mistakes it for a regular trash can and throws some left over rolled tacos in it.


ha, ha, it will be inside........
Hey some else had a good idea, stack 2 together to make it more sturdy.
What do you think (overkill?)?


Active Member
Those of you who mix in 5 gal buckets, is that enough salt mix for a water change? I use a trash can, mix about 10 gal take 10 gal out of my 75 and replace with the newly mixed 10 gal salt mix, am I doing to much of a change, every 2 weeks?


Active Member
I keep 6 gals of RO on hand for my 37gal tank. That's usually enough for a 10% water change per week plus any top offs that I may need to do (then again, I'm only working with a 37gal).
Lisa :happyfish