Active Member
ok my prize came today. lucky it came a day early the cardboard box was soaked they had put it in a plastic bag when i opened it the inside box was cracked and leaking. two of the bags had lost almost all their water. the decorator crab and one of the mushrooms. still alive looked okay. stuck at work for four hours with a leaking box. opened one of the mushroom bags and put the other mushroom with it. opened the multi aquacultered rock and put the decorator crab in with it. Whew. ok got them home everything so far so good. everything in the tanks that decorator crab is a lot bigger than i thought it would be. I put it in my tank it looks like some sci fi monster. so what i got- one aquacultered rock, mushroom polyp- umbrella, mushroom polyp green ricordia (had two on the rock instead of one) ememrald crab,yellow gorgornian, decorator crab, think that was everything. If I could remember how to post pics i would show what they look like. can remember how to resize just cant remember how to save them. And the decorator crab gives me the heebie jeebies looks like a giant spider.