Contest..what color will this turn out to be?


Okay, I am going to show my ignorance here :notsure: ..........but, how did they get bleached? Too much light? Or did they get bleached-bleached?
I would like PURPLE shrooms with a little Garcia on the side please


Active Member
I know one cause of bleaching is due to extreme stress. The coral expels it's symbiotic algae zooxanthellae and loses it's color.


im still winning!!!!! i guessed taht it would stay bleached!!!! you should set an enddate to the contest!


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybom
o come on!!!! this contest is rigged i tell ya!!!! lol
LOL..... another PCH mailer


New Member
Originally Posted by treybom
im still winning!!!!! i guessed taht it would stay bleached!!!! you should set an enddate to the contest!

treybom, i dont mean to be a party pooper, but i said it would be white before you did


i have shrooms that look exactly like that (with the little bumpy things on them) and they are a rust/purple color - the base of them is more rusty-colored than the tops.. that's our guess.


Originally Posted by reffer
treybom, i dont mean to be a party pooper, but i said it would be white before you did
u said blue or white... he said pick one


New Member
Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03
u said blue or white... he said pick one
1. like three people said blue before me, even if it turned out blue, i knew i wasnt gonna win.
2. even if, i said it before treybom
3. the guy said pick one because surfin usa picked several completely different colors
4. Treybom said it would stay the same, in the picture the thing is like purple, not white
5. the guy said one major color limit. blue is the only color there, white is not a color, it is the absence of color, kind of like how black is every color combined. therefore i only used one major color which makes my choices eligible, so i am still winning


Active Member
HAHA..still white!! Looks healthy except for the color. I will update the pic tonight.