Controling PH


New Member
I have a 110 gallon tank that has been set up for about a year. I have been having trouble keeping the PH up. I test weekly and usually it comes in at about 7.8 to 8.0. I have been adding Seachem Buffer but after a couple of days it drops. All other tests are fine. Thanks for you help

salty rick

I have the exact same problem. I couldn't get any help on this board on how to remedy the problem. I do know that the Calcium, ALK and PH are related. I use the Seachem buffer also. What I notice is that the ALK goes way high. I think this is the reason I can't keep the PH up. However, I am not sure on this. I am now trying water changes to get the ALK down to see if will cause my PH to go up.
I hope someone on this board is able to help you.


New Member
Thanks Rick.
I have been doing a 20 gallon water change every two weeks and noticed that the PH is higher after the change. I did a water change over the weekend and the PH is 8.2 today. I suspect it will drop in a few days. It always does.


salty rick is correct about the relationship between the three, usaully the best way to get everything back in check is to do some regular water changes for the next couple of weeks and that should get all the params back in check.
then take some test of all 3 (ph,alk, and calcium) get a general area where they all are within mormal specs.
i had a problem with somewhat high cal which always caused my alk to be low. i did about 3 weeks of water changes got everything back to normal and just monitor them more regularly now.
i'm no expert so if you need a better explanation go to search on this board and type in ph,alk,cal and you will get alot of info.