Conversion: FOWLR to Reef


I have a 29g FOWLR that has been up and running for 9 months now. I have a basic HOB filter, basic light and powerhead. I was wondering what I would need to possibly start adding corals and such, and a rough estimate of how much it would cost.


the first thing you need to think about before adding any corals is to upgrade your lighting. without getting into specifics, corals need some pretty strong lighting and a basic light strip will not cut it. I would do some searches on lighting in here and in the reef forum.
:confused: I'm confused to Boomper. I have a 10,000k bulb; but, I still don't seem to get enough light. I wish someone could recommend a single bulb to replace in the hood that would be sufficient to do the job. Help, people, help!!!!!!!!


Active Member
go to hello lights dot com. put the words together and you will find a great site! i cant give you a link because it is against site rules