
chris r.

OK, Ive got a little 10 gal fresh****r :D tank and I'm convering it into a 10 gal. nano-reef. It has a 6500K 50 watt flo. bulb and a mechanical filter, is there anything else i need exepct, sand, rock, a fish, and corals?
Is there any biological growth that could have stayed on the glass or filter and I need to replace it because saltwater wont tolerate it?


If you ever treated your freshwater fish for diseases or put in additives it might be better to get a new tank. I had an old 29 gallon which I discarded and bought a new one. They're cheap and I thought it would be safer. Especially since I would be placing expensive corals and fish into it.


you might want to change the lighting to power compact lights that would do fine for a 10 gall. corals dont do well with plain florecent lights. what kind of mechanical filter do you have?
as far as the sand and lr you want 1-1 1/2lbs of lr. and sand you could use a real fine grade sand to go with a shallow sand bed probably sd or a dry oolitic sand. fish you probably only want 1 or 2 small fish but no more than that. for corals leathers, mushrooms, and zenias are good for beginners. also any biological growth for your fw will not survive salt and the other way around so you'll have to start your water from the beginning
you might want to consider a protein skimmer, do some checking on that. some people go without them, other people wont run a tank w/o one
here is a good article to read before getting into salt it is something you should really read about and get as much info as you can. (books, forums, articles) dont jump into it because it is completely different than fw
<a href="" target="_blank">starting with marines</a>