convert a pc into a retro ????


i have a 24 in 2 65 watt coralife light that dont seem to sell so i was wandering if i can take it apart and turn it into a retro fitso it will fit in my canopy
if so do i need to ger longer wires from the ballest to the light
and plug and switches


Active Member
You'll probably want to extend the wires somewhat as prebuilt fixtures are usually built to be pretty compact. You can just use wire nuts and hookup wire. The best place to get this is online through Parts Express, MCM Electronics, etc. Standard 18 gauge hookup wire rated for 300 volts will be fine, and through those above suppliers you can get colors to match what's used in your fixture to make wiring easier.
Apart from that, it should be easily doable... but you may need new sockets for the bulbs depending on how they are mounted into the fixtures.
The best thing to do is take the thing apart and see for yourself, and make a judgement call.

nm reef

Active Member
I can be done...just take it apart and see what you have to work with.....& go fom there. It should function the same either way..


got it apart going to bypass the switch dont need it using timers
do you know if they make a new power cord that plugs ditectly into the ballest
and new end cap?
the old one has 4 prongs ind a single row


Active Member
To get a decent longer power cord just buy a suitable extension cord and cut to length to suit, or buy some SJ type wire and a replaceable plug end.
You may find it hard to find a socket for panasonic or european PC bulbs locally. I know in this area they are not to be found. However those on the fixture you have now shuld eaily be removable. Most wires in those sockets merely are held in bt contact tension, so they can be removed pretty easy. Look for a hole alongside the place a wire is ientering the socket, that doe snot have a wire in it. It may be just a simple slot. Insert a nail or pin etc into that empty adjacent hole or slot, and pull out wire that is next to it. Or look for a snap or a screw or twop that holds the socket together, remove it and see if the wires just lay in a slot and are pushed in with the cover when tightened up.
Odds are your just gong to have to splice in a new power cord made as described above. Remember the sequence of the wires on the socket.....mark them for ease of reassembly.