convert freshwater tank to a saltwater?


This is a Tetra 20 deluxe aquarium kit. With a whisper power filter,bio bag filter cartridge, fluorescent bulb, 100 watt submersible heater. Im not sure where to look for the measurments of the actual tank. But I think if I get salt, a hydrometer, sand, xtra filter and change the light I should be good to go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bhfccsr198
Um Yea She Prolly Doesnt Mean Nothing Bad And Hey Trhat Comment Kinda Upset Me I Currently Have A 10 Gallon With 45 Lbs Of Live Rock And A Purple Tang A Hippo Tang And A Yellow Coris Wrasse And A Damsel

Oh my God! It kind of upset you because this is what you have in your ten gallon. You just upset everyone on this board. Have you read one thing about the fish you are keeping? I guess not. A Hippo Tang needs to be in a tank at least 15 times the size you have it in, and the Purple tang also. The tang police will get on anyone that has these fish in anything less than a tank 6 feet long. Poor fish. Please do your homework before purchasing fish. Nobody around here likes to see fish suffer.


With a 20 gallon tank, the rule is a limit of 8 fish. They can be any size, just don't go over 8 total. That gives them about 2.5 gallons per fish which is more than enough.
"Keep on Rock'n in the Free World."


Active Member
I'm afraid that is a misleading rule at best. These "rules" are bogus in nearly all SW cases, but a more realistic one is 1 INCH of fish per 5 gallons. That is particularly generous as it is. "8 fish..." 8 tangs, groupers, sharks, eels??? A bad rule. Even 8 clown, damsels, pseudos or any other common small fish would be tragic.
Maybe you mean 1 inch of fish per 2.5g? Still a lot, but somewhat more reasonable, IMO.
But by all means if you wish to spend a lot of money on dead fish and a crashed tank, give it a go. FWIW, I had a single damsel in a 15g tank, and the fish would attack me. I can think of no combination of 8 fish that would survive long term in such a tank...except maybe 8 neon gobies or clown gobies...and we still do not even know the footprint of the tank, making discussion of how many fish can go in rather irrelevant at this point.


Active Member
im very new to this but you said ANY FISH there is no way possible you could keep a yellow tand etc in a 20 gal.....sure you could when he is 1-2 inches long but they do grow and will be very unhappy....just my 2cents