Convert FW to SW Reef Diary


Here is my diary for my fresh water to salt water reef conversion. I am going to place this tank inside the wall. It is a 135 gal. These are the first pics and I will up date as I progress with the project. Let me know what you all think. And thanks in advance for all the help you all offer, you have saved me alot of $$$ and heartache. So on with the construction. I am also posting a pic of my current 55 gal reef setup in my master bedroom, this tank will also be upgraded to a 92 gal. bowfront



Active Member
that going to be nice. I like the location and that you have a nice place to hide everything inder the stairs.


Thanks. I should have the tank in the wall by Monday. Just got rid of the stand. Iwill post some new pics as I make progress. It will be quite challenging as the wall is load bearing. I hope this will help others that are attempting a similar task. I am currently researching the whole fuge/sump thing.


Hey everyone, time for an update. :jumping: Here are some pics of the construction of the wall and stand. I had to shore up the stairwell so it wouldn't fall as you can see in the pic. King stud to hold up 4x6 header. Built and stained ******** stand. One of the panels is actually an access. The center one. I also rewired my outlets, as I had to move some wiring anyway, so I added two 4S boxes on a GFIC for a total of 8 outlets under the stand. I am not going to have a load problem as I got lucky with the only other items on this circuit are my garage door opener and some garage overhead lights.I have just put the tank in the wall and am staining the trim and doing the Venitian Plaster on that wall to make it a focal point. I will post some more pics of that as time allows. Now back to work.



Active Member
going to look good... what do you guys do to the dry wall though to keep the evaporation from roting it???


I used oil based primer and oil based paint and siliconed any joint work. And then I put a coat of Varathane Sealer over that. May be over kill but I don't want salt creep getting in the wall.


I have heard that green board will trap in the mositure over time. Alot of people i have seen, use a plastic sheet to cover the wall to lock out all mositure.
here is a pic of what I a talking about. We did this when we were putting my buddies 220 together. It is a really good investment.



It will. I forgot to mention the visqueen. I always use it where water is present. Learned that from tiling bathroom showers.