Converted to Reef.. BEAUTIFUL... no 56k..


Active Member
Great job, nothing like a reef tank, transformation is amazing
First glance your pagado looked like a satillite dish in your tank


Active Member
Whow!!! What a difference from the first tank. (FOWLR) Keep up the good work, absolutely beautiful!!!! Your zoas are wicked!! Would love to see the Chevron....any pics? Please, please, please.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Great job, nothing like a reef tank, transformation is amazing
First glance your pagado looked like a satillite dish in your tank

That is too funny......I thought the same thing!! (satellite dish) I bet the clarity is stunning. Your fish must love you better now!!


Awesome Tank!!! Great photography too. Thats how I hope miy tank looks soon. If you ever frag those Zoo's I really want some of those orange/green, and pink/purple ones.


Active Member
OMG you are my hero!!!!
I SOOOO want an Imerator but I'm so worried he'll mess with my corals. I'm wondering if your angel will change once he's a full adult.
You'll have to let us know how it goes.
Oh, and your tank is BEAUTIFUL!!!!


Here are some more...
It was kinda hard getting some of the shots of the tang because im still trying to get the shutter speed faster...
Plus he doesn't sit still for even a second...
(Yes the tube anemone is really big.. He can have a 14" radius sometimes..)

Here is the only pic i could get of my green mandarin and i was lucky to get it... He is the coolest one i have ever seen i wish i could show you guys a better picture but this is all for now...

That red thing in the back is my red serpent that from tip to tip is about 20"...
Heres a cool shot from the side.. kinda grainy..


The pics of the chevron doesn't do him any justice.. He has alot of blue around his fins and the lines are way more green then it shows in the picture..
Originally Posted by azfishgal
OMG you are my hero!!!!
I SOOOO want an Imerator but I'm so worried he'll mess with my corals. I'm wondering if your angel will change once he's a full adult.
You'll have to let us know how it goes.
Oh, and your tank is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

My buddy got that angel when he was about an inch... So he has never really had a taste of coral and he knows when feeding time is, so i dont think he really cares about the corals.. He's pretty cool.. He's the boss of the tank but he's so scared of everything, he's the first one to dart behind the rocks.. Its like the bully on the playground is the first one to run from a dragonfly.. lol