Converting fresh to salt 100gal. recommendations


New Member
I purchased this tank set up from a friend, he had a reef setup in it last year, but when he moved, he converted it to fresh. This time, he had to move again and did not want to hassel with it, so I purchased it all for $500 two months ago. I would like to convert it to back to a reef setup. I have been doing some research, but there seem to be so many different opinions, even the local fish store has a few different opinions about what I need. Starting with scraping all of the crushed coral and rock, lighting, pump, etc. and buying all new from them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. As soon as I have a good game plan, I will start the conversion. Thanks for any and all help.



Originally Posted by sw65galma
Keep it FW...your wallet will thank you lol..
I know that is right.
The only thing I can tell you is try to find used stuff if you go to the pet store for your LR and LS you be paying alot more than you should.


Active Member
First off make sure your friend never treated the aquarium with any medications....
Next, go out and buy A Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner and read it from cover to cover. That will probably teach you what you'll need to know to start off.
Good luck with it!