Converting from Fish only to reef tank


New Member
I currently am in the process of converting my 75 gallon fish only take to a FOWLR tank and then finally to a reef tank. My question is that i have a Fluval 404 canister filter which came with my setup 4 years ago and a hang on back protein skimmer and i want to know if i need to convert to a wet/dry filter or could it be used inline with the canister i have? Or could I just go with the filter i have. I know the benefits of a wet/dry-added water volume, hide the skimmer, and a refugium, but my tsnk is glass and is not drilled. What should I do??? Thanks


Originally Posted by cincyJames
Or could I just go with the filter i have.
I bet there is a BUNCH of us in here that wish we had the original money back we spent on the WRONG setup!
Though not giving any advice, here's what I have. An 80 and a 55. Both are reefs. Both have Emperor 400 filters and hang-on skimmers. I have had my ups and downs but now over 3 years in, my tanks are doing better than ever. And YES, I do know this is not the best way. But, bad advice from LFS....etc. etc....
If the link does not show up then...
Best wishes!
james =)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cincyJames
I currently am in the process of converting my 75 gallon fish only take to a FOWLR tank and then finally to a reef tank. My question is that i have a Fluval 404 canister filter which came with my setup 4 years ago and a hang on back protein skimmer and i want to know if i need to convert to a wet/dry filter or could it be used inline with the canister i have? Or could I just go with the filter i have. I know the benefits of a wet/dry-added water volume, hide the skimmer, and a refugium, but my tsnk is glass and is not drilled. What should I do??? Thanks

I converted mine 4 years ago, and I still to this day use my canister filter and HOB skimmer.
Lights are the only issue. The light for fish only is not good enough for coral unless you intend to go with non- photosynthetic corals. Which are very pretty but need extra care.