Converting sump to Refugium


I currently have a 55 gallon sump on my 180. I use it to house a wet/dry and a skimmer. If I were to convert the area with the wet/dry to a refugium what would be involved?
Do I have this right? I slowly (over a few days) remove the bioballs from the sump. Once all the bioballs are gone, I fill that area with about 5" of LS. I plant several types of Calupera in the sand and I hang a standard 4-40 watt daybulbs flourscent fixture over that. Is that all? Do I then have a refugium? How close am I here. I'm looking for help please.


Sounds pretty close to me. For a 180 I imagine you have a ton of bio balls. I would take about a month to completely remove all the bioballs. This will insure plenty of time for the bacteria lost to rebuild themselves.
In addition to adding sand you might want to add some small pieces of live rock to help with filtration and give the pods down there some hiding places. I might also recommend a red mangrove seedling in the fuge. I have one in mine that has grown like crazy. Right now i have that and some feather caulerpa. Its been up for over a month and a half. NO MORE NITRATES!!!!!!
Good luck HTH