Converting to a sump/wetdry filter! PLEASE HELP


I currently have a 90 gallon tank w/ a cannister filter and a protein skimmer that hangs on the back. I've been told this might not be the best way to run things. I'm wanting to convert to a wet dry filter w/ a sump. I don't know a whole alot about how to get there. Want to ask ?'s on here first before heading to the store.


Best to post in the DIY forum, those guys know their stuff. What help I can give is if you don't have predrilled overflow you'll have to buy a HOB overflow. You'll also need a pump to return the water from your sump to your main tank. And of coarse all the plumbing. Hopefully someone will come along who can explain it better. Good luck, it's a little confusing at 1st but once you get it up and running it all makes sense.