Convict Tang


Active Member
Can anyone give me some info on this tang? I am still looking for a second tang to add to my final fish list. I have already decided on a powder brown. My tank is 125 gallons and the only big fish I plan on having are 2 tangs and possibly a rabbitfish. I havnt seen many convict tangs around. If you have one please post a pic too.
Thanks in advance. Also does anyone know of another white colored tang?


Active Member
I cant say if this is normal because most of my research have show different...but, I have had what I consider great success with my tangs, In the earlier years, I have tried Convicts twice ( I have allways liked them ) and each time they just would never eat. In both cases, it was not an agression issue because the other established fish did not seem to bother them after a few hours. They would seem to hang in there about two weeks but slowly, sadly waste away...
In the more recent years, I have come to the conclusion that most Acanthurus sp. ( both that you have mentioned ) are just some of the most difficult tangs to keep.


Active Member
What tang would you reccomend? I really want to try a powder brown so I want something to go with that. I also wanted something different (not the everyday blue hippo and yellow tangs).