A tank will cycle perfectly fine usiing nnothing but liverock. No need in this world to use shrimp, live fish or cycle starter in a bottle. Anything that has some decay or dead matter to it is sufficient to start a cycle and live rock simply transported home from a LFS has sufficient die off ina short time to initaite a cycle. Once the ammonia and nitrite levels hit zero, a single fish can be added. Clean up crew can be added prior to fish without a problem if cycling with liverock, they can be added from the git go. Cycling with LR does not cause as high a spike of ammonia or nitrites so there fore water will not become as poluted, and nasty, nor will the higher spikes kill off more nice to have critters in and on the live rock. This cycle process is sort of blown out of proportion, Live rock in of itself is sufficient as is to do its job. YOu can take live rock that is fully cured from a tank, and place it in another and fill with water and fish and bump on..without a cycle, so having to create a major cycle is a crock of you know what. Only reason to really start a cycle is to neutralize any organic junk that is bound to decay and cause parameters to rise out of safe regions. Now, if there is pure clean sand, no junk in it, as well as home brew rocks, without any organic junk and yuou add water, there really is nothing to cycle, and adding shrimp is not gonna do much to start anything. However a fish can be added and do just fine in that pristine environment, and as it gives off waste it will start cycle of rock and sand, well not really buy it will add a bit of a load of ammonia which is then converted to nitrite, and it will not hurt that fish one bit. Why folks use a dead shrimp to cycle a tank is beyond me especially when they are usuing live rock as well..Its conter productive.
A tank cycled with live rock is just as substantial and stabil as one cycled with dead critters or live fish........