cool eel


a snowflake eel will fit in there i just got one 2 day for my 60 and if the angels are full grown it should be fine and it will be cool with the tangs also you could also try a golden dwarf eel


Active Member
Over the past few years my 75g has held a SFE, White Eyed, Golden, and now a Dragon Moray.
As long as it stays 30" and below your ok. Depends on what tankmates you want or if you just want an eel tank.
Believe it or not I have a Flame and Majestic Angel in with my 30" Dragon in a 75g without any issues.


Hey Harley,
Here is a recent picture of your old friend......Lately he has not been a big eater maybe 2 pieces of shrimp a week. Not sure if I should try another type of food.......

Here is his home!!!!!!


Active Member
"Hey Harley,
Here is a recent picture of your old friend......Lately he has not been a big eater maybe 2 pieces of shrimp a week. Not sure if I should try another type of food......."
Try some silversides or small squid strips. They go on and off from time to time. No need to worry.


The smallest eel available is Gym. meletremus. Dwarf moray. They are extremely passive and only get a max size of 12". You could get a Snowflake. Or a millaris which get a bit big for the tank but would be fine depending on if you want to keep anything else in the display. In a 75 you can get many morays if you decide to keep it as a one eel only display, which most people won't do. Here are some pics of my old meletremus and millaris. Tim

