Cool hitchiker!


I just purchased a 4 head torch for my new 75 I just set up. After I put the coral in my tank I went to dump the water in the bag into my toilet. As I was dumping I noticed something in the bag. It was a red emerald crab about 2 inches. It looks pretty cool and I did a search and guees they are pretty rare. It looks the same as an emerald just deep red. When I get everything set up in the tank I will post some pics dont have my own digi.


just keep your eye on it. I had one in my main tank for a while till it decided it liked zoos! I would watch it sit there and pick them off one by he lives in my refugium! Good luck with it andwatch out! the claws get big and strong!


Originally Posted by 2563
Bit off topic but I realy like avatar Bret!
Thanks! its my little Midas Blennie! isn't he cute!!! :happyfish