cool or unwanted pest?


Active Member
so before going to bed, I like to examine my tank after the lights have been out to see what kind of creepy crawlies I can find. Tonight I discovered this little guy on my glass, so I scooped him out to take some pics... Is this a star?? He seems oddly shaped and has 7 'points' with 4 of them chopped off or something. What type of star is this guy? and is he nifty or something I should take out. I would like to know quick if I should take him out, as I have never seen him before and I don't want him to go and hide. Thanks very much.



Asterina star.....harmless, but will multiply quick...they don't get much bigger than that, and most of the time are odd shaped


Active Member
And like anything else will wax and wane with available nutrients. Can be siphoned out easily if they become an eyesore. Also can smother coral if they get to plague proportions. Some are coral eaters, but it looks like yours is a harmless one. Good detritus eaters.