cool pic of my starfish!


Active Member
just took a closeup of his mouth area looks pretty cool i still dont know what kinda starfish this is though


Active Member
thanks yeah its wierd pink body with dark pink/redish bumps all over it
ive noticed something not good though its kinda got a taste for dying sps corals


Murph you have some of the coolest animals living in your tank!
Great shots! Nice camera work!
How's the new tank coming along?


Active Member
its coming along just waiting on some things like my skimmer and reactor but ill be getting it together very soon


I know the feeling. I think our new tank sat in the living room for about 4-5 weeks (waiting on parts and for me to have time to install) before I got the plumbing and everything just the way I wanted it. My wife was getting nervous about getting fish in the tank (spent allot of money to look at an empty tank) so I did exactly as she asked. I added a fish.


Murph i do beilieve the star you have is a Fromia (sp)? don t hold me to it but im like 80 percent sure on that! HTH

cats eye

Wow, that pic of the starfish is nice. What kind of camera are you using, if you dont mind me asking. The clarity of that pic is great!!!


Active Member
kingspade.... i dont think i saw ur new tank i seen a pic of ur uncles i think it was but not urs.... can u send apic to me or link me to the post u have on here showing it??
Ohioguy06.... i was thinkin the same thing too but not exactly sure.... i do have a blue linkia and a brittle star also
Cats Eye.... thanks! the camera im using is a Olympus D-545 4 mega pixel.... i shot the close up on the closet up setting i believe macro mode with no flash.... if u can get a still shot it turns out really nice i have some great ones of my lion fish and good thing is this camera only cost me about $190 almost a year ago its all about playin around and takin lots of pics i porbably have taken thousands of pics to get a few good ones outta it that i think are really clear and close up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Nice sea star. It looks like a type of Fromia.

That's what I thought too. Where's Ophiura? :thinking: